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Female Asian-American nursing student wearing gray scrubs sits in a cafe doing her coursework on her laptop surrounded by books and notes.

Are Online Nursing Programs Right for You?

We'll walk you through everything you need to know about online nursing programs so you can determine whether they're the right fit for you.

girl writing smart nursing goals in notebook

How to Set SMART Goals in Nursing

Here are our tips for setting nursing goals the SMART way.

lightbulb showing real estate marketing ideas

10 Unique Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business

We asked 4 real estate pros to share the real estate marketing ideas they use to promote their businesses and build trust with clients. Here's what they had to say.

woman looking on computer at claims made vs occurrence policies

Claims-Made vs. Occurrence Policies: What’s the Difference?

You’ll likely come across this decision when buying malpractice insurance — here’s what you need to know about the different types of policies.

real estate broker using a calculator working

Real Estate Diaries: A Week in the Life of a Broker Making $500K a Year

Step into the shoes of a successful real estate broker to find out how he manages running his own business, working with clients, and making time for his family.

Silhouette of two people chatting and networking while one of them writes things down.

Networking in Nursing: 17 Strategies & Tips to Help You Land Your Next Job

Learn how to use the people you know — and those you sort of know — along with your social network to land your dream job.

notebook showing how to prepare for nursing clinicals

Everything You Need to Know Before You Start Nursing Clinicals

We asked Maureen "Nurse Mo" Osuna, BSN, RN, to share her thoughts on what nursing students should expect during clinicals and how best to prepare for them.

Asian-American female healthcare provider wearing a stethoscope and sitting in the window of a hospital reviewing her patients' charts on a tablet.

Charting By Exception: What To Be Aware Of When Taking Shortcuts

We'll walk through some of the major considerations nurses should be aware of when using a charting technique like CBE.

nurse bullying in cutout letters

Nurse Bullying: What It Is & How to Stop It

We asked Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CMSRN, CSP, of the Healthy Workforce Institute to share her thoughts on how to put a stop to nurse bullying in the workplace.

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