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real estate agent drawing up inspection contingency with clients

The Inspection Contingency in a Purchase & Sale Contract: Is It a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card?

We asked a California-based real estate attorney to help clear up some misconceptions around the use of the inspection contingency to break P&S contracts.

Clipboard with turquoise stethoscope

Nurse Charting 101: Your Guide to Patient Documentation

Here’s a little refresher on the different types of patient documentation out there, plus 10 charting dos and don’ts.

real estate agents and brokers showing house

Why Do Real Estate Agents & Brokers Get Sued?

There are some risks that are inherent in your job as a real estate professional. Find out what they are and what you can do to help protect your career.

Man walking tightrope across ravine at dawn

Real Estate Agent Fiduciary Duties 101

We'll give you a high-level overview of what an agent's fiduciary duties are, plus five red flags you should be on the lookout for in your own team.

Two people discussing the terms of a collaborative practice agreement

How to Create a Collaborative Practice Agreement With a Physician

Starting your own practice as an NP? We'll explain why you might need a collaborative practice agreement and how to create one that works for everyone.

private sign on fence showing nurse setting boundaries

Maintaining Professional Boundaries in Nursing

Here's how to create healthy nurse-patient relationships — and stick to them.

Black safe against a blue backdrop

5-Minute Summary: The National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics

Here's a quick refresher of the NAR Code of Ethics that will outline all the important pieces of information you need to know and remember.

crumpled paper showing patient charting mistake

5 Real-Life Patient Charting Mistakes

As a health provider on the front lines of patient care, you’ll want to learn from these medical charting errors.

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