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real estate prospecting. Real Estate agent searching for potential clients in computer

What You Need to Know About Real Estate Prospecting

It is important knowing where to focus your energy in business. With these tips, learn how to reach your dream clients.

orange book referring to housing discrimination

What Is Housing Discrimination? A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Understanding & Combating Housing Discrimination

Housing Discriminatoin can occur in any state in the nation. It is a serious issue, with federal laws in place to prevent it. It can still happppen, so it is important that you are aware of what Housing Discrimination looks like and how you can prevent it.

paper dolls on blue background making a heart

14 Nurse Experts Focused on Helping Other Nurses

Whether you're in a jam or you want to figure out how to use your skills to help others, here is a list of nurses who are helping other nurses in various ways.

how to start a pt clinic

How to Start a PT Outpatient Clinic

You've put in the hard work to become a physical therapist. But wait, there’s more. If your dream is to start a physical therapy outpatient clinic, you’ll need a plan.

Space for physical therapy with professional modern equipment

Physical Therapy Space Requirements: What to Consider When Designing Your Outpatient Clinic

When starting your own business, the space you occupy can be just as important as how you perform your service or the product you sell. Read on and make sure you are prepared for the space needed to start your own Physical Therapy Clinic.

Two pieces of frayed rope connected by a single thread

Nurse Burnout Statistics, Causes, Effects and Symptoms

The newest nurse burnout statistics are alarming. Here’s everything you need to know — and watch for — when it comes to nurse burnout.

nurse burnout

How to Protect Yourself from Nurse Burnout

Statistics for nursing burnout are increasingly becoming more important to pay attention to. However, it is even more important to focus on how to avoid getting to the point of burnout in the first place. This article has some useful advice for doing just that.

Dental Care Confessions

Dental Care Confessions: 2022 Berxi Survey Results

Over 1,000 dental professionals and patients alike confess their worst dental hygiene habits and what they dread about going to the dentist (yes, even dentists dread these things too!). And 27% of dental professionals said they brush their teeth once a day or less. Read more!

group of nurses in professional nursing organizations

Professional Nursing Organizations 101: What to Consider Before You Join

Here’s a list of the most popular organizations and what you should know before joining one (or more).

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