With so many professional nursing associations to choose from, how do you know which ones are right for you?
Below are lists of the top nursing organizations in the U.S., broken down by the following categories:
- National
- State
- Nursing Specialty
- Student Nurses
Use this guide to figure out which organizations to join and how to pick the right ones for your current career phase.
Why Join a Professional Nursing Organization?
Membership in one or more professional organizations will allow you to:
- Demonstrate excellence:
- Joining a professional organization is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to the field.
- Add it to your resume and any other professional profiles you have as a way to show employers and colleagues that you’re dedicated to professional excellence.
- Find mentors:
- Associations are great places to find mentors who can help you advance your career.
- Whether you need help navigating a tricky work problem or want advice on whether to buy supplemental nurse malpractice insurance, your mentor can guide you on your journey and help you get the answers you need.
- Continue your education: These groups often give you access to all of the conferences, classes, and publications you’ll need to continue to grow as a professional.
- Build a community: Joining a top nursing association presents you with natural opportunities to network within your industry or specialty.
- Shape policy : Belonging to some professional organizations may give you opportunities to get involved in healthcare advocacy and provide you with the resources and support you need to make a difference at local, state, and even national levels.
Tips for Finding the Right Professional Nursing Organization for You
With so many options to consider, choosing the right professional organizations to join can seem daunting. No need to worry — here are five questions to help you compare them:
- Which benefits are most important to you?
- Define the current need that you’re looking to meet by joining an organization.
- Are you looking for more networking opportunities? More learning? More discounts?
- Look for organizations that offer the breadth of resources you need.
- How large a network do you want?
- Do you want to network on a more local or specialty – focused level? Or are you looking more for national opportunities?
- How specific do you want to get?
- There are organizations that focus on every specialty and interest.
- Is this more — or less — appealing to you than organizations with a general nursing focus?
- Do you know any members?
- There’s no easier way to find out whether an organization is right for you than by getting reviews from people you know and trust.
- Is it worth the price tag?
- You should also consider crossing organizations off your list if they’re too expensive for long – term membership.
The 5 National Nursing Organizations You Need to Know About
These groups don’t focus on any one nursing specialty; instead, they offer a variety of professional development activities, services, and resources to a wide range of nursing professionals. (It’s worth noting that the majority require you to be a licensed RN in order to become a member.)
Below is a list of the five most popular national professional nursing organizations. We provide a brief description of what they do, the membership options they offer, the benefits that are included, and — when available — the membership costs.
- Description: The NBNA has 115 chapters, and serves over 200,000 African American registered nurses, licensed vocational/practical nurses, nursing students and retired nurses from the USA, Eastern Caribbean and Africa.
- The NBNA has four membership options:
- Member
- Lifetime
- Associate Member (AM)
- Non-Member & NBNA Summer Youth Institute
- Benefits:
- Member
- Annual Cost: Varies by license type (RN, LPN, LVN, First – year graduate, Retired, Student)
- Access to the NBNA website
- Quarterly newsletter
- A bi-annual subscription of the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association subscription
- Access to an On-line Job Career Center
- Direct electronic mailing on nursing and health care issues
- On-line Conference Registration
- Position Papers on important health care issues that impact African American consumers
- Association partnerships with federal and national organizations
- Continuing education classes and Webinars
- Networking with African American nurses from around the country, the Caribbean, Canada and West Africa
- The NBNA Scholarship and Awards Program for all levels of nursing students to complete or continue their nursing education
- Committee and task force leadership opportunities
- Speaking engagements at national and local conferences
- External Advisory Committee Appointments
- Participate in NBNA’s National Initiatives on Violence Prevention, Global Health, Mentorship and Brain Health.
- Receive free mental health wellness services through NBNA’s RE:SET program
- Lifetime
- Cost: One time payment of $2,000 (can be paid in 4 installments within the first 12 months of becoming a member)
- Everything included in the “membership” plus:
- Complimentary conference registration in the year the final payment is made
- Receive Early Bird registration fee for future conferences
- Lifetime Membership Certificate, Portfolio, and a premium gift for the first year
- Listed by year on the NBNA Lifetime Members Plaque
- Listed in the NBNA Conference Souvenir Program annually
- Listed on the NBNA website at www.nbna.org
- Special recognition to honor New Lifetime Members
- Reserved seating for all Lifetime Members at the Brunch and Closing Session of the NBNA Annual Conference
- Associate Member
- Associate Members of NBNA shall be individuals that are not licensed Registered Nurses (RN), licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses, or a nursing student. Associate members support the mission and vision of NBNA, and are actively engaged in the work of local chapters and/or the National organization (NBNA).
- If a person joins the local as an Associate Member, they must also join the National Organization (NBNA).
- Attend business and educational meetings, but must pay any associated cost for attendance at meetings.
- Non-Member
- Annual Cost: Varies by license and professional status
- Has no access to benefits, but is a in the contact list
- NBNA Summer Youth Institute
- Cost: Free
- Has no access to benefits, but is a in the contact list
- Description: The ANA offers education, conferences, and networking opportunities for licensed RNs. It’s important to note that ANA membership isn’t available to nursing students and non – RNs. However, professionals who are not licensed RNs may become ANA subscribers and access members – only information at a discounted rate. Additionally, students may become ANA Student Subscribers and have access to industry – related resources and educational information.
- The ANA has three types of membership options:
- ANA & State Membership: The ANA considers this to be their “gold standard” membership.
- ANA Only Limited Membership: This membership option gives you access to the standard ANA benefits, but without the state benefits.
- ANA E-Membership: This is the ANA’s most basic membership option.
- Benefits:
- ANA & State Membership
- You’re entitled to benefits from both the ANA and your state association.
- ANA benefits include Professional development opportunities; a chance to influence nursing – related decisions and policies at state and national levels; discounts for programs through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
- State benefits may include a subscription to the state association newsletter. Representation in the statehouse on critical nursing issues. Access to local networking opportunities. Professional development opportunities.
- ANA Only Limited Membership – Without State
- You’re entitled to the standard ANA benefits: Professional development opportunities; a chance to influence nursing – related decisions and policies at state and national levels; discounts for programs through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
- This membership option is only available in 19 states and Washington, D.C.
- ANA E – Membership – Most Basic Option
- You have a virtual membership to the ANA. You’re entitled to some benefits of the ANA, including discounts on resources.
- This membership option is only available in 25 states, as well as Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington, D.C.
- Cost: Varies by state.
- Description: Focuses on advocacy, policy development, and networking. Rather than individual nurse members, it has more than 130 national nurses’ association members with over 27 million nurses worldwide.
- No individual nurse membership is required.
- U.S. nurses who are ANA members automatically become ICN members.
- Benefits: You gain access to highly specialized networks and conferences, as well as the opportunity to get involved in advocacy work internationally.
- Cost: N/A
- Description: This organization is dedicated to “facilitating the development, refinement, dissemination, and use of standardized nursing diagnostic terminology.” It offers four membership options:
- Associate Membership: Available to vendors and organizations related to nursing education, practice, research, or representation.
- Nanda-I Fellow: Available to nurses who have been members for at least 10 years Nurses who have been members of NANDA-I for at least ten years are eligible to apply for status as a Fellow of NANDA International.
- Regular Membership: Available to those who meet the U.S. requirements for professional nursing licensure.
- Undergraduate Student Membership: Available ONLY to matriculating undergraduate students. (Status must be verified by NANDA International.) Limited to three years.
- Retired Membership: Available to retired nurses.
- Benefits:
- Associate Membership
- Similar to the Student Membership, you may participate in many association – related activities but can’t vote, hold office, or serve on committees.
- Nanda-I Fellow
- Fellows are eligible to renew membership as Fellows.
- Fellows represent all areas of practice, including nursing administration, clinical practice, education, informatics, and research, and have all of the other membership benefits.
- Regular Membership
- With this membership option, you’re able to vote, hold office, and serve on NANDA-I committees.
- You also receive all membership benefits, including free online access to the International Journal of Nursing Knowledge publication.
- Undergraduate Student Membership
- With this membership option, you can participate in many association – related activities, but you aren’t able to vote, hold office within the association, or serve on committees.
- Once your three years are up, you have the option to renew as a regular member (if eligible).
- Retired Membership
- With this membership option, you’re able to vote, hold office, and serve on committees.
- Cost:
- Associate Membership: $125/year
- Nanda-I Fellow: $250 for two years
- Regular Membership: $125 for two years
- Undergraduate Student Membership: $50/year
- Retired Membership: $100 for two years
- Description: This organization gives nurse educators access to networking, education, and advocacy
opportunities. The NLN offers three types of memberships:
- Individual Membership: Available to nurse educators, graduate students, and retired nurse educators.
- This membership option is broken into three subcategories:
- Regular Individuals (i.e., open to all nurses, educators, administrators, and any other individuals dedicated to promoting nursing education excellence)
- Graduate Students (i.e., open to students currently enrolled in masters and doctoral programs)
- Retired (i.e., open to retired nurses, educators, administrators, etc., who want to stay involved in nursing education)
- School of Nursing Membership: Available to organizations that offer educational programs in nursing.
- Associate Membership: Available to nursing associations, healthcare agencies, and other organizations “interested in the development of an educated nursing workforce.”
- Benefits:
- Individual Membership
- With this membership option, you’ll be eligible for discounts for a variety of NLN-associated activities and resources, including
- Tickets to the NLN’s annual conference, “Education Summit,” and to the Scholarly Writing Retreat; leadership programming;
- Simulation Innovation Resource Center courses; student exam products and resources; faculty development webinars; and the NLN bookstore.
- You’ll receive free subscriptions to the NLN Report and Nursing Education Perspectives, as well as to the NLN’s four e-newsletters and access to its data.
- You’ll have access to invaluable networking opportunities.
- If you’re interested in getting involved in more advocacy – related initiatives, you’ll be able to engage in nursing – related policy matters through the Government Affairs Action Center.
- You’ll also have the opportunity to serve on different NLN committees and vote.
- School of Nursing Membership
- With this membership option, both full – and part – time faculty receive all of the individual benefits listed above.
- Faculty will get a discount on the NLN’s certified nurse educator exam.
- Faculty will receive free subscriptions to the NLN Report and Nursing Education Perspectives publications.
- Faculty will have access to data, grants, professional development opportunities, and scholarships through the NLN Foundation.
- Faculty are eligible to apply for fellowships in the Academy of Nursing Education.
- Your school will be eligible to become an NLN Center for Excellence.
- Associate Membership
- With this membership option, you’ll receive two free individual memberships per site.
- You’ll receive free subscriptions to the two NLN publications, in addition to its four e-newsletters.
- You’ll be eligible for various discounts at NLN meetings, as well as for different products and resources.
- You’ll also have access to NLN data on nursing schools, program enrollments, etc.
- Cost:
- Individual Membership Options
- Regular Individual: $60 for one year or $295 for two years.
- Graduate Student: $80 for one year.
- Retiree: $100 for one year or $180 for two years.
- School of Nursing Membership Options
- Single-Site Campus:
- 1-50 graduates: $1,230/year
- 51-100 graduates: $1,515/year
- 101+ graduates: $1,805/year
- Multisite Campus
- Base Campus Fee: $1,805/year
- Per Additional Campus: $380/year
- Associate Membership Options
- Primary Site: $566/year
- Each Additional Site: $210/year
The Top Professional Nursing Organizations by State
Below, you’ll find the full list of the top nursing association for each state. All but two states (Alaska and Hawaii) have an association that’s a constituent member association of the ANA.
The Top Professional Nursing Organizations by Specialty
Your options for professional organizations and associations only get more numerous as you get down to the specialty level. Below is a list of nursing specialty organizations, along with links to their websites so you can learn more.
This is by no means a comprehensive list. However, it will give you a taste of just how many specialty organizations are out there. You’re bound to find the ones that best fit your professional interests.
Professional Nursing Organizations by Cultural, Gender, or Sexual Identity
Professional Organizations for Student Nurses to Join
If you’re a nursing student, you may want a community and resources designed for your specific needs. Check out six of the best – known professional nursing organizations that welcome student members. The list also includes several of the larger national organizations we mention above.
Final Thoughts
When you decided that nursing was the career for you, you joined the ranks of other like – minded, caring professionals who dedicate themselves to their patients and careers. One important way nurses keep growing in their fields is by joining professional organizations.
These nursing associations offer all kinds of benefits, most of which look equally valuable at first glance. But take the time before joining any nursing organization to research which benefits best meet your goals at this stage of your career. And then, take the plunge to join with others who strive to be the best nurses they can be.
Image courtesy of iStock.com/kasto80
Last updated on Feb 11, 2025.
Originally published on May 12, 2022.
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Margarita David, DNP, RN, PCCN, CSN
is a contributing writer for Berxi. She is also a doctorally-prepared registered nurse, #1 Bestselling Author, and founder of the Dr. Registered Nurse Success Academy, LLC which provides tutoring, mentoring and consulting to prospective nurses, nurses, and students in graduate and doctoral studies. Dr. David also has a YouTube channel called Dr. Registered Nurse, where she makes hard-to-understand nursing school concepts easy to comprehend. She also holds a Bachelors in Business Management & Administration and a Masters in Nursing Education and Leadership. She has been married for over 20 years and is a mother of 3!