Tiffanie Drayton

3 articles

Tiffanie Drayton, contributing writer for Berxi

Tiffanie Drayton is a contributing writer for Berxi.

Man consulting with female attorney who is writing notes on a clipboard.

What to Do If You’re Subpoenaed to Be a Witness

What does it mean to be a witness in a co-worker’s lawsuit? How do you handle a subpoena? Here’s an overview, plus 11 tips for testifying as a witness.

African American man scrolling through page on smartphone

The 14 Best Physical Therapy Apps for 2022

These 14 apps will help you to simplify and streamline your responsibilities as a physical therapist.

woman on phone with dog behind her buying professional liability insurance direct

Buying Insurance From Brokers vs. Agents vs. Direct — What’s the Difference?

Help decide what’s the best for you by learning all the different ways you can buy insurance.