Stephanie Lica

21 articles

Stephanie Lica is a contributing writer for Berxi and an experienced content writer who enjoys using the written word to help others achieve the same sense of fulfillment in their professional lives.

social media marketing woman drawing bubbles on a whiteboard of various marketing terms

Dentist Marketing Ideas: Get New Patients Smiling With These 9 Strategies

Check out this list of the most successful dental marketing ideas that dentists just like you used to grow their practices. Which works best for you?

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How Much Do Social Workers Make?

Social workers take great pride in helping those in need; this spirit of service keeps many feeling fulfilled even as they deal with long hours and often heavy responsibilities. Income is also worth considering, as it can have a significant impact on quality of life. To that end, we've compiled a detailed guide explaining how much social workers can expect to earn based on a variety of contributing factors.

White cardboard cutout of a comma with the words "Start here" carved into it as it rests against a bright green backdrop.

How to Write an Optometrist Resume

We'll walk you through the process of writing a resume from scratch, starting with how to format and organize the content and then going into the kinds of information you should include in each section.

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Healthcare Marketing Examples: 9 Organizations That Ace Digital Outreach

Healthcare marketing is crucial for building an emotional, trust-based connection with patients. While many professionals have mastered the art of patient outreach, it can be difficult to know where to start. To provide you with some inspiration for your next campaign, we curated a list of examples of healthcare marketing done right across some of today’s most popular digital and social media marketing channels.

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How to Write a Real Estate Agent Bio: What It Takes to Captivate Clients

As a real estate agent, you pride yourself on your impressive qualifications and personable service. Most important of all, however, is your real estate agent biography.

how to start a dental practice

Dental Practice Requirements: A Guide for Starting Your Own Practice

Launching a dental practice can be exciting, but it can also be complicated. To help you make sense of all this, we've provided an easy-to-navigate guide for handling dental practice requirements.

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The Difference Between a Career Mentor & an Accountability Partner

Ready to take your job performance to the next level? You don't need to go it alone. We'll explain how resources like mentors and accountability partners can boost your career and why you'll benefit from both relationships.

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Do Physician Assistants Really Get Sued?

Every healthcare professional—PAs included—can be vulnerable to lawsuits, regardless of their credentials or workplace responsibilities. In this article, you'll learn about the most common reasons why PAs get sued, read some real-life case studies, and get some tips for steps you can take to help protect yourself.

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Real Estate Company Names: How to Choose the Right One for Your Business

First impressions are crucial in real estate - that's why picking out a name for your brokerage is a much bigger deal than it may seem. That said, coming up with a name can be tough, even when you feel inspired. To help you out, we've put together lists of example real estate company names you can use for inspiration. We've also shared some tips for how to pick the right name for your own brokerage.