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Nurse writing medication out for a patient.

Real RN Malpractice Case: I Recorded the Wrong Medication Dosage & Then Learned I Didn’t Have Malpractice Insurance

No one ever wants to think about the mistakes that can happen on the job. However, they do happen. Read about how one nurse came to learn how important having a personal liability insurance plan can be.

woman distressed over buying professional liability insurance

Buying Professional Liability Insurance? Avoid These Common Mistakes

Trying to buy professional liability insurance can be tricky sometimes. Insurance can be complicated — and mistakes are bound to happen. Here's what NOT to do.

Fractle - Why Patients Lie

Top Reasons Patients Lie About Their Health: 2022 Berxi Survey Results

Going to appointments can be awkward or uncomfortable for patients. Knowing this can be the case, it is important to understand that sometimes these feelings can make patients feel inclined to bend the truth to medical professionals. Here are the reasons why these lies happen and what they are likely to be about.

bullseye with people showing how small business owners can attract ideal clients

Small Business Owner 101: Top Tips to Attract Ideal Customers

Knowing how to reach your target audience, who that target audience is, is key to growing any business no matter what industry you are in. This article will provide tips and strategies for finding your audience and getting their attention.

orange book referring to housing discrimination

What Is Housing Discrimination? A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Understanding & Combating Housing Discrimination

Housing Discriminatoin can occur in any state in the nation. It is a serious issue, with federal laws in place to prevent it. It can still happppen, so it is important that you are aware of what Housing Discrimination looks like and how you can prevent it.

Dental Care Confessions

Dental Care Confessions: 2022 Berxi Survey Results

Over 1,000 dental professionals and patients alike confess their worst dental hygiene habits and what they dread about going to the dentist (yes, even dentists dread these things too!). And 27% of dental professionals said they brush their teeth once a day or less. Read more!

Nurse with handcuffs

Medication Errors Lead to a Criminal Conviction: What Nurses Should Know about the RaDonda Vaught Verdict

In March 2022, former registered nurse RaDonda Vaught was convicted of criminally negligent homicide and abuse of an impaired adult. On May 13, she was sentenced to 3 years supervised probation. What does this mean for nurses, especially during a nursing shortage?

Tired women doctors are sitting in masks in corridor. Burnout of healthcare workers concept

7 Ways Healthcare Managers Can Support Employees’ Mental Health

Healthcare managers are uniquely positioned to reverse course and support the mental health of their staff. This promotes good patient outcomes and actually saves time and money. Learn how make changes to your unit -- or your own mental health -- today.

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