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Fractle - Why Patients Lie

Top Reasons Patients Lie About Their Health: 2022 Berxi Survey Results

Going to appointments can be awkward or uncomfortable for patients. Knowing this can be the case, it is important to understand that sometimes these feelings can make patients feel inclined to bend the truth to medical professionals. Here are the reasons why these lies happen and what they are likely to be about.

A therapist recognizing the signs that it may be time to break patient confidentiality to avoid harm

When Does a Therapist Have to Break Confidentiality?

There is a tremendous amount of trust and legality in the relationship between a mental health professional and a client. However, it is not unheard of to face a situation where this confidentiality needs to be broken. Here are the guidelines therapists and counselors must follow.

dental hygienist working on best dental management software

The Best Dental Management Software

While rewarding to provide for the community, not all dentists are used to managing a practice. This article runs you through some software that could prove useful for your practice.

folders showing best dental record practices

Dental Records 101: Best Practices for Creating & Keeping Dental Records

Dental practices are an opportunity for you to offer valuable care to your community. Your community is trusting you with their personal information. Making sure to create useful dental records, and how to store them, is explored in this article.

best states for psychology jobs

The Best (& Worst) States for Psychologists in 2024

Mental health is a topic that has been getting a lot of attention the last few years. As people become more comfortable approaching mental health, the need for professionals is the topic this article explores.

close up dentist hand shake with DSO owner after selling their practice at office desk with

Should You Work for a DSO? The Pros and Cons of Dental Practice Consolidation

Dental Practices are a business like any other. When you start your practice, you think about helping your patients and building a reputation for great dental work. However, eventually, you will need to think about how to manage all the business parts of your practice. This can be done on your own, by hiring a practice manager, or selling your practice to a dental support organization or “DSO.”

young man talking with a drug and alcohol counselor

The Best (& Worst) States to be a Drug and Alcohol Counselor

We pulled state - level data on salaries, affordability, job growth, and quality of life rankings to determine the best and worst states for Drug and Alcohol Counselors to live and work in 2022.

physical therapist malpractice insurance

Physical Therapy Malpractice Insurance: Your Guide to Protecting Your Career

Insurance is an important step in making sure your career is protected. But insurance can be confusing. This guide goes through some of the common questions you may have about insurance -- including what it is and why it's worth it.

two therapists discussing ethical standards in mental health counseling

5 Examples of Ethical Issues in Counseling

In the practice of mental health therapy, there will be tough moments. As a therapist, you are held to high standards of privacy and ethics. This article outlines a list of 5 ethical issues and what to do if one is filed against you.

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