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Insurance needed for tax preparers

Why Do Tax Preparers Need Insurance?

Tax preparers need insurance to protect their careers and themselves against a lawsuit. But what types do they need? We break down each of the most common insurance products tax preparers buy, why they would need it, and when they should buy it.

Can you get business insurance without a business license?

Can I Get General Liability Insurance Without a Business License?

Not all businesses need a business license to buy liability insurance. Learn more about getting general liability coverage without a business license now.

Types of liability insurance for small business

Understanding the Different Types of Liability Insurance

There are three main types of liability insurance, but which ones do you need for your business and why? Learn what each different liability insurance covers, and how they can help protect you.

A root canal dental malpractice story

Real Dental Malpractice Story: The Case of a Root Canal Mishap

Taking all necessary precautions is part of your job. But what if something happens that's beyond your control? While it might not be your mistake, it could be your responsibility. See why one dentist was glad he had Berxi insurance on his side.

dentist writing a dental incident report on a clipboard

Potential Dental Malpractice Claims: What to Do When Incidents Cause Concern

Berxi claims recall real dental claims incidents as well as important steps that should be taken if an incident occurs.

physical therapists working on a client in their practice

Potential Medical Malpractice Claims: What to Do When Incidents Cause Concern

Find out what happened when a Berxi customer thought he'd be named in a suit and the steps you should take if you find yourself in a claims situation.

nurse practitioner receiving a licensing board complaint

Real Licensing Board Complaint: A Patient’s Family Files 3 in a Row

Despite the best intentions, something can always go wrong. Luckily for one NP, she was covered by Berxi malpractice insurance

Hospital team running to an incident

Risk Management in Nursing: 7 Practical Tips to Try Today

Being proactive is one of the most important things nursing professionals can do to manage risk. Of course, risk management isn’t just about individual responsibility: it involves a complex series of clinical and administrative systems, processes, and reporting structures. Learn more.

cardiac nurse practitioner real story

Real NP Malpractice Claim Story: My Hospital Wouldn't Cover Me

The patient, age 58, had come to the hospital one evening after experiencing shortness of breath. The NP, who was working at intake, learned the patient had a history of congestive heart failure and pulmonary artery disease. A year later, the NP was named in a wrongful death malpractice claim.

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