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As a personal trainer, your focus is on improving people’s lives. But liability’s always lurking: a client could drop a kettlebell on her foot or sprain an ankle during a workout. Things happen. And even if it wasn’t your mistake, you’ll need to have liability insurance in place to protect your savings account (and business) if you need to hire lawyers or pay settlements.
Are you a yoga instructor? Check out our yoga teacher page to learn more.
Here are some noteworthy features of our personal trainer liability insurance:
The cost of personal trainer liability insurance typically starts at about $169 a year. The final cost depends on a number of factors, including — but not limited to:
The best way to get an accurate idea of what your policy would cost is by filling out our quick online application to get a quote. The process takes a couple minutes, and — if you choose to purchase — your policy can go into effect any day you’d like, including today.
Wondering if you can insure the other instructors or trainers in your studio or gym? The answer is yes! Call us at 833.24.BERXI (833.242.3794) and we’ll be there to discuss your insurance needs.
You may already have insurance through your employer, but know that their policy might not be enough to fully protect you in the event that you’re named in a lawsuit. That’s why many fitness professionals, and personal trainers in particular, choose to buy their own liability insurance, too — it’s an added layer of security that’s dedicated specifically to protecting their assets, careers, and reputations.
If you work as a personal trainer, medical malpractice coverage insures you against claims of negligence or of making a mistake that caused bodily harm to another. This includes providing you with a lawyer to defend yourself and the funds you can use to pay judgments or settlements.
Typical limits of liability range from $500,000 per claim/$1 million aggregate to $2 million per claim/$6 million aggregate
If a claim is filed against you, we’ll retain a lawyer for you from our network of defense attorneys specializing in medical malpractice. We’ll also pay for related defense costs (e.g., lawyer fees, court fees, expert witness costs).
Note that these defense costs are outside the limits of your insurance. This means that their services don’t cut into the settlement fees you may need to pay after a ruling.
Provided in addition to your policy’s limits of insurance
We work with your defense attorney to reach the best possible outcome for you. We won’t settle a claim without your approval.
Your policy applies on a worldwide basis, as long as a claim is brought against you in the United States (which includes any U.S. territories or possessions).
If you provide professional care to someone who is not your patient in a first aid or emergency situation, and that person files a claim against you, your policy would still apply.
For fitness & wellness professionals, your policy excludes all coverage for sexual abuse or misconduct claims and will not provide you with legal defense.
If a claim alleges that you violated privacy rules in connection with private health information, we provide you with access to counsel and will reimburse you for costs related to HIPAA proceedings — including relevant HIPAA fines.
$25,000 per policy period
If the professional licensing authority is investigating matters related to your professional conduct, our policy provides you with legal defense.
$25,000 limit per policy period
If we ask you to attend litigation activities (e.g., a deposition), our policy will reimburse you for actual lost wages and any necessary expenses you incur (e.g., travel, meals).
Up to $1,000 per day
If you face a threat to your professional reputation, we can provide you with a crisis management/public relations consultant to help clear your name.
$50,000 per claim
The policy applies if someone files a claim against you alleging that your premises or operations caused them bodily injury or harm.
$1 million occurrence/$1 million aggregate
If you’re audited by either Medicare or Medicaid, we offer reimbursement for related accountant or attorney costs that result from the investigation or defense of the audit proceedings.
$30,000 for a covered audit and related expenses
We’ve built a digital professional liability insurance platform that makes the insurance experience simpler, faster — and just plain better — for our customers. While we think we’re the right choice for personal trainers, we also know that this is a really important decision, so we want to make sure you have all the information you need. Here are a few things that set us apart from other insurance companies.
You could say that we’ve got the best of both worlds: while we’re as flexible as a start-up, we also have the financial stability to make sure we’re around for the long term.
This means that we’re not just the people who sell you an insurance policy – we’re also the people who are responsible for handling your claim. There’s no one in the middle; it’s just us and you. Plus, working directly with us eliminates fees that are typical in insurance transactions. In fact, our customers typically save an average of 20% – and, in some cases, even more.
You can go onto our website to get a quote, buy a policy, and download your certificate of insurance – all in the exact same day. And if you ever need to file a claim, you can also do that digitally, too.
When you call our support line, you won’t have to navigate through an endless phone tree or argue with a robot: You’ll reach a real-life human being who’ll work hard to answer all your questions. Being a customer-first company is part of our mission — and we have a great reputation for it.
An easy way for personal trainers and fitness professionals to buy a professional liability insurance policy is directly from a provider – which also has the added benefit of cutting out broker fees and saving you money. With Berxi’s easy-to-use online platform, you can get a quote and buy your policy online in just a few clicks.
Yes, personal trainers should have both professional liability insurance and general liability insurance.
Professional liability insurance helps protect against claims of negligence or malpractice related to the services you provide, such as training advice or techniques. For example, if a client claims they suffered an injury due to your training regimen, your professional liability insurance can help cover your legal costs and settlement.
General liability insurance covers accidents, such as when a client slips and gets hurt at your gym or you accidentally damage their property. Many gyms and fitness centers even require personal trainers to carry their own general liability insurance.
When combined, professional liability insurance and general liability insurance can help protect personal trainers and fitness professionals from a broad scope of incidents that could lead to claims.
We recommend that professional trainers consider having professional liability insurance and general liability insurance.
Yes, Berxi insurance is legit. Berxi is part of Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company, which is rated A++ for financial strength, and has a proven track record of protecting personal trainers and other health and wellness professionals with its industry-leading professional liability and medical malpractice insurance.
At Berxi, we’re committed to delivering comprehensive liability coverage that protects you from the unique risks you face every day. We’re making professional and small business insurance easier – easier to understand, easier to buy, and easier to afford. Plus, our in-house customer support and claims service is world-class: we’ve been rated 4.87 out of 5 stars by more than 13,000 customers. If you have a question or need help, our insurance experts will be here to take your call.
Get a quick online quote to see how much you could save on personal trainer insurance from Berxi.
"We started Berxi because we believe that we can make insurance better, faster, and more affordable by offering you a direct connection with an insurance company that cares about your needs. That means that you buy directly from us and you talk directly to us. We know you expect fast, seamless results from a company that really understands you — and that emphasis on technology, compassion, and customer satisfaction is all built into the Berxi mission."
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